Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The First 5k

Last weekend was Paige's first 5k.  This is an event that we'd been looking forward to since early on in the journey. It was the Streetcar 5k, held in Columbus, MS, and I just happened to be the race director of this particular 5k for the 2nd year in a row.  So, of course Paige would be running it if I had any say!  

Paige was all set with her running form, having taken the 5 Weeks to 5k clinic.  Only thing is, her homework runs were kept on the back burner, and the one run we did together was similar to pulling teeth (just kidding Paige, you did great).  Nevertheless, Paige showed up on race day (it surely helps that the race had been paid for in advance, something that I encourage if you know you're likely to drop out or quit your training half way through, that way you've got no excuse to not show up).
And they're off!  What great form!
After the race started, I had a few minutes of quiet before the first runner came around the finish line.  Then, before I knew it, Paige came sprinting down the final stretch! I  was quick enough to have my phone ready for a photo, but boy did she have the energy to finish strong! I was so proud of her finish!  I knew she had just run up a major hill, but with a finishing kick like that, you would have never known!  So, Paige, congratulations on your first 5k finish!  Next time, you'll be even more confident, and as you keep practicing, more running and less walking!

Finishing Kick!

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