So, it's been a few weeks since we've been getting back into the groove of things. Paige has been working out 100% more than she did last month (well, anything is greater than 0), and she participated in the 21 Days to Bliss program that I put together with a few other wellness colleagues of mine. (See more about the 21 Days to Bliss program in Paige's blog: 21 Days To Bliss.) Not only did Paige complete her first 5k, but she made it through a few "Abby Workouts" and even got together with a friend to do a Trainer In Your Back Pocket workout on her own!
It's a great feeling to get back on the wagon after being off of it for so long. But here's what I see happen all the time when folks finally put that effort forwards. Once they finally find that motivation, that desire to commit full force and do things right. BOOM! Something comes along to stop you. I see it all the time with my marathon runners. All the time with my personal training clients. Even myself. Usually it can be a major life event, a stressful situation, or an injury. We finally get over our first stumbling block, and then life throws another one at us. I've come to believe that life's just throwing something at us to REALLY TRULY make sure we're committed. It throws us an extra hurdle to make sure we're really committed this time, and to challenge our reaction. We now have the choice to react to the stumbling block as we did before (allowing us to fall off track again) or we have the choice to view that stumbling block as just a test to make us stronger. To put more fire in the stove.
On Friday afternoon, Paige and I met at the riverwalk. I wasn't feeling 100% so I figured a nice light jog would be a great workout for us to do together. 11 minutes down (the longest Paige has ever run at once, by the way!) and Paige mentioned that her knee hurt. We walked a little, then began running again. Again, her knee began to hurt. It hurt enough that I could see the frustration in her eyes. She wasn't kidding. She wasn't just saying her knee hurt so that she could walk and wimp out (something that she would have done a month ago). If given the choice, Paige would have wanted to jog, I believe.
She was given direct orders to go home, foam roll, ice, and take a hot shower. And continue foam rolling then icing several times per day. Hopefully this will take care of whatever was going on in that knee. My guess is IT Band inflammation, but we'll see in a few days how she feels. This injury is one of Paige's tests. It's a test to see how she'll react. Will she go back to "black and white" and just give up on exercise? Or will she modify in the gray. Focus on upper body and core workouts. Give the knee some time to heal, and not get discouraged. The choice is hers, but I'm guessing that the lesson she learned last month has put her in a more powerful position with her health. Paige WILL be stronger because of this test that she's going through with her knee pain. We will continue to monitor the injury and keep you posted as we go.
Now, anytime time one of my clients or myself has any sort of injury or symptom, I go to my handy dandy Louise Hay Book, Heal Your Body (also a great App In iTunes ). This booklet describes the mental causes of physical illnesses and gives an affirmation to say. I've looked up this one before, but it's always interesting to note what it says. Maybe all you knee pain folks can relate:
Knee Problems:
Probable Cause: Stubborn ego and pride. Inability to bend. Fear. Inflexibility. Won't give in.
New Thought Pattern: Forgiveness. Understanding. Compassion. I bend and flow with ease, and all is well.
So, Paige, if this sounds like something you're going through (and I strongly suspect it's right on the nose), try saying this new thought pattern to yourself for 5 minutes a day. Sit quietly and say/read it over and over again. Let it get into your subconscious. Memorize it. It's amazing how our thoughts can create physical symptoms in the body.
Once we get that running form perfect, your IT Band foam rolled out, and the thought patterns perfect, I think your knee pain will disappear forever!
Remember, this is just a test... This is only a test.
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