Sunday, October 6, 2013

Relapse From Rehab

Rehab of a Fat, Lazy, Coke-Drinking, Butter-Eating Girl.  That's the title that Paige chose for her blog of this 6 month journey, and all of those things are what just happened, 3 months into our wellness journey.  Paige was lazy (no exercise), binged on coke, [fried] butter, fried foods, cakes, pizzas, the list goes on.   We are definitely going to need more rehab to get things ironed out if Paige wants to make a complete transformation.  In this post, I'll be referring often to Paige's post: Dirty Delicious, so if you haven't read that yet, go ahead and read that now, before continuing. 
It's as if an outside power has taken over Paige's mind and body.  Here she is "enjoying" fried butter.
Now, I'm not going to trash talk Paige's choices of last weekend. (well, maybe I will at points), but I'll just be honest about what I see from my perspective. Which is the point of this blog- to follow Paige, but give you my perspective on her transformation process.  

We'll start with the seriousness of this "binge weekend."  These are the types of events that just simply cannot happen if Paige wants to eliminate diabetes in her body.  Nutrition plays such a huge role in blood sugar handling in the body, and she knows it.  For an otherwise healthy adult, with no health issues, the once a year binge weekend like this is fine.  In fact, it's usually a great reminder of why NOT to eat that way.  Imagine how your stomach feels after eating so filthy! The toilet is not a fun place to be stuck at.  For those with health issues, remember, that the body is already stressed, so adding in such stressful foods and binges, only adds to the stress, creating even more dis-ease in the body.  It basically makes things 10x worse, whereas the healthy body will just simply eliminate the "problem" and move on, as eating returns to healthy.  It understand that this is just a fluke situation and that it won't continue. The unhealthy/dis-eased body, on the other hand recognizes it as normal, and reacts by continuing to stress out the system. 

Binge weekends like this can be a slippery slope for most folks trying to overcome a food addiction, which is what Paige is overcoming, as she changes her dietary lifestyle completely.  3 Months ago, this binge weekend would have been a normal occurrence  so I'm grateful that she now recognizes it as an occurrence that should rarely happen.  

Now, I couldn't be too hard on Paige, because she already knew, in her heart, what she did was wrong. She knew it at the time. She just basically threw everything she'd worked for out the window, and once it was out, why not keep going.  One thing leads to another, and once you're so far down the rabbit hole, you may as well keep going... (I'm sure many of you reading this can relate).   I also couldn't be too hard on Paige because I have, in the past, also tried fried butter and fried oreos at the California State Fair (those of you who've been, know what I'm talking about!).  It's delicious disaster for the body.   So, I couldn't be a hypocrite, but I also don't have any dis-eases that I'm trying to heal from, making my situation and occurrence of having eaten those foods previously a bit different.

However, Paige knew that her 3 month assessment was just a few days after this Dirty Delicious Weekend, meaning that she couldn't continue on the dangerous path. She had to quickly pull herself out of the rabbit hole, revamp and get back to clean eating as soon as she returned home.   She recognized it as a specific event that had happened, and she moved on (at least as far as I know).  Her binge weekend really lived up to her blog title: Rehab of a Fat, Lazy, Coke-Drinking, Butter-Eating Girl.   As any addict, she still needs more rehab to fully gain control of her wellness.  We will continue to rehab Paige. I won't give up on her, and I know she won't give up on herself either. (though at times, she may beat herself up still).

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